Hello dear ones, I know it's been a long, long time since I've posted anything. Sorry for that! well, now I have something more interesting to post about.
So at last I got myself to the states, for the first time in my history! YAY!
it wasn't easy though so I'll tell a little story of how we got here!
Some sweet man we know offered to buy us the tickets and got his secretary to book them. Saturday morning after so much anticipation, packing and emotional goodbyes we get to the airport with suitcases in hand, passports ready etc. At the check'in point the sweet clerk tells us that we have no tickets to leave Costa Rica. We asked; "what do you mean we have no tickets?" He said; "these tickets are from San Jose California to Phoenix!" (instead of San Jose Costa Rica). We didn't know whether to cry or laugh, but it was so absurd for such a mistake occur at that moment that we'd been waiting for so long.
My first thoughts were on Romans 8; 28. For some reason it must have happened. anyways disappointed and defeated we return home. When we called the office to find out if we could change the ticket and still use it, they said that sure we could but with $800 extra each ticket. Ha! So thinking that for sure that was it, we settled to find the good in staying back and not getting to record after all. I figured, well my earache had been worsening and I couldn't even talk, much less sing. so maybe after all it wasn't the best time to leave. So I got that checked the day after our dissappointment, and the doctor found exactly what the problem was with my sore ear, so saving you the gory parts... amazingly enough my earache was miracolously gone after the doctor's visit and all of a sudden I could hear, sing and was happy and healthy again. PTL!
I was thinking, "now I could go to the record". ha! sigh! lol.
well God's delays are not denails right? on monday 2 days after the "supposed departure date" we get an email from the secretary of the man who booked our flights thoroughly apologizing for the mistake she had made, and quickly adding that she had another flight for us for Tuesday morning. We were ecstatic and couldn't believe it. We had just finished having devotions and talking with the home of our disappointment. everyone had added that if we did get another chance that we could still go. (so sweet of them) So we were very happy for another opportunity and after PnP'ing it we wrote back the secratary with a "YES, WE'RE DOING IT!"
We actually didn't believe it until we landed in the states ha!
The trip was as smooth as it could be, we made the connections just fine and had a great time travelling.
I'm writing this now at the end of my trip. (at last I have time to write and update my blog!)
I've worked hard at recording, along with Cheryl, Tera and my dad. The results you shall see soon LW. But in the mean time I'll post some pictures of Arizona and our time here.
Enjoy and pray that the finalizing of the CD.
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