Monday 2 June 2008

Jordan's hair.

Dear little/big Jordan had a major hair cut due to his hair turning green from too much swimming in the pool, poor thing he really didn't want to cut it as he was hoping that through his long hair he would gain the strenght of Samson. Such high aspirations... oh well, but there was no choice, his hair couldn't stay green, so off the buzzer went and did the job.


Maria said...

Uncle Francesco says:"are you sure it was green from the swimming pool?
He always reminded me of a little Hulk!..... it could be a proof of it!"
We love you lots! You're all so beautiful!

Sharon said...

ha ha! funny! no, thankfully it was the pool's fault! although he does have the image of a Hulk and the behaviour too! yikes! I hope he mellows down with time.