Since we're coming up to Jordan's birthday, I thought I should quickly first post the pics of Nicky's Birthday. Shame on me, almost a month later. ha!
Oh well, better late than never...
First of all we went canopying but I don't have the pictures on this computer so will load them later, then we invited a bunch of her friends over and had a party with "Pinata".
There goes Richard chasing it, and at last he gets it. Jessica giving it her best shot, ha! sadly as I was quickly finishing up the cake we missed the shot with Nicky since after all it was her birthday.
And here's the cake, at the innitial stages and then the final product. (disclaimer, Andy was hurrying me like crazy, so I had to basically throw it together (the decorating part) in 15 minitues. But PTL, the kids loved it! that's the important thing!