Alright, well here we are again! long time that I don't post here, since Facebook... I wasn't able to keep up with both of them. But since some of you are not into facebook... I thought I'd update this one a tad bit.
well we left our beloved Costa Rica. I know, it's sad... after all it's such a paradise. But, we felt the need to move on to something more long term, especially for the kids school and education.
Right now we're in Texas, bought a motor home and are gonna be traveling for the summer across the states and Mexico, to explore, get to know, and see the full picture of this side of the world. From there we'll have to make a final decision as to where to live... Europe or Mexico/States. Pray for us in our endeavours to finding a good lasting place for our family to settle in.
You're all in our prayers too! We know we're not the only ones facing a time of change... and as exciting as it is... it also comes with great desperation and anticipation for what's ahead. So 2 thumbs up for all that are in the same boat... and let's keep our face above water. The shore is in sight!!